So I'd put up several blog posts about working on the ad, the papers clearing, the day it was going to go up, etc. As grateful as we are that it happened, and as much as we love the podcast and ad besides the point, I think it's OK for me to clean the blog up a bit and get it back on track. So I'm killing a couple older posts about Jay and Silent Bob and replacing them with sample chapters from the book.
Here are all the links you need, so you don't have to browse through the whole page top to bottom. Please "like" the FaceBook page I've set up for all my writing. No offense, but I can't accept every single friend request on my PERSONAL page 'cuz that would just be way too much stuff for my simple ass to handle, so the link to it isn't up here.
Penny Cavalier on sale at Amazon for $9.99 here.
The first free chapter you should read is The Introduction.
After that, you're going to want to check out The Detective.
In the book, immediately following The Detective is a personal/segue chapter, Duo.
Finally, one that's been getting a lot of positive feedback (and one of my favorite chapters), The Philanthropist.
My first novel, 100,000 Years in Detention, can be bought on Amazon for $9.99 right here. Check my profile for the other blogs I run.
Thank you very much; I appreciate it. Please enjoy my writing and PLEASE pass it on. I'm doing this 100% by myself (with help from my wife) so I could really use your word-of-mouth. I'm always available for contact by e-mail at if you have any love/hate mail to send.